The Formation of Modern Muslim Subjectivities: Research Project and Analytical Strategy


  • Dietrich Jung



modernity, multiple modernities, subjectivity, Islamic traditions, Islamic reform


This article introduces research questions, theoretical premises and analytical tools on which the Modern Muslim Subjectivities Project (MMSP) builds. The project takes its point of departure in sociological theories on the formation of modern forms of subjectivity and applies these to the Muslim world. The present article discusses three theories in particular: Theories on multiple modernities, theories on successive modernities and post-structuralist approaches to the formation of modern subjectivities. The hypothesis of the project – and thereby the hypothesis of the present article – is that the mentioned so-called “Western” theories can be used in our analyses and understanding of the modern Muslim world as well. The article presents this argument in three steps and illustrates the theoretical discussions with examples from the different subprojects carried out within the shared frame of the MMSP.

Denne artikel præsenterer de forskningsspørgsmål, teoretiske præmisser og analytiske redskaber, som The Modern Muslim Subjectivities Project (MMSP) bygger på. Projektet tager udgangspunkt i sociologiske teorier om dannelsen af moderne former for subjektivitet og anvender dem i forhold til den muslimske verden. Nærværende artikel diskuterer især tre teoretiske kilder: teorier om mangfoldige moderniteter (multiple modernities), teorier om fortløbende moderniteter (successive modernities) og poststrukturalistiske tilgange til dannelse af moderne subjektiviteter. Projektets og dermed også artiklens hypotese er, at disse såkaldte “vestlige” teorier også kan bruges i vores forståelse af den moderne muslimske verden. Artiklen fremlægger dette argument i tre trin og illustrerer de teoretiske diskussioner med eksempler fra de forskellige delprojekter, som bliver gennemført inden for den fælles forskningsramme i MMSP.




How to Cite

Jung, D. (2017). The Formation of Modern Muslim Subjectivities: Research Project and Analytical Strategy. Scandinavian Journal of Islamic Studies, 11(1), 11–29.



Articles: Thematic section